Statement of Purpose
To provide a forum where educational issues of concern to the Charles A. Bernazzani School can be openly discussed and information about curriculum, educational programs, and school goals can be shared.
To provide a structure in which a partnership relationship between parents and teachers can function to support education at the Charles A. Bernazzani School and to provide enrichment in education for its students.
To afford a representative assembly for the expression of the concerns of the Charles A. Bernazzani parents and teachers. This, it will do through the presentation of programs, proposals, and recommendation as well as through mediation. It will make these proposals and recommendations through its Executive Board; if necessary, to the Quincy School Department; and if necessary, to the Quincy School Committee.
To sponsor, support and assist in projects that enrich or contribute to the education, health and general welfare of the Charles A. Bernazzani students.
PTO By-Laws
Charles A. Bernazzani School PTO By-Laws
Robert's Rules of Order
As stated in the PTO By-Laws, PTO meetings are conducted using Robert's Rules of Order as a guide. These are a set of rules for conduct at meetings, which allows everyone to be heard and make decisions without confusion. See Robert's Rules of Order for a complete explanation of these rules.
The Bernazzani PTO Executive Board meets monthly (prior to the general PTO meeting) to discuss and plan school events, coordinate fundraising, set and oversee the budget, and discuss school-wide issues. The PTO Executive Board does not take on these efforts alone though; we are very much supported by all of the Bernazzani parents and caregivers. Below is a list of positions and bios of those serving on the Board for the 2024-2025 Academic Year.
PTO Board Members:
Chair - Ellen Sirull
Co-Chair - Jodie Roper
Treasurer - Nicole Vermillion
Secretary of Recording - Maeghan Bateson
Secretary of Internal Correspondence - Leslie LaRocca
Communications Secretary Technology - Peter Kovach
City Wide Representative - Daniela Ignagni-OBrien & Elizabeta Gace
Community Engagement Officer - Julie Tobin & Jer Newman
QPAC Representative - Kathy Sheehan & Jill Sabin
Curriculum Enhancement Coordinator - Colleen Doyle
EDI Representatives - Melissa Kovach & Maureen Chapman
Fifth Grade Representative - Shannon Davis
All parents who in the given year have at least one child enrolled in the Charles A. Bernazzani School and all staff of the Charles A. Bernazzani School are automatically members of the PTO.
Flyers and emails will go home announcing when the PTO Meetings are happening. They generally occur once a month at 6:30 p.m. in the Bernazzani School Media Center. These meetings are open to any parent or teacher with a child attending the Charles A. Bernazzani School. There is no meeting in the month of December. If school is cancelled on the day that the PTO meeting is scheduled, the meeting is also cancelled.